
Showing posts from January, 2021


  CHEROPHOBIA Have you ever had that feeling while enjoying or having fun? That feeling which makes you question your happiness or makes you think that something  bad   might happen after this. Well, it’s safe to say even I have felt like that. It’s not wrong to think like that. We belong to India where we have always been taught that everything in life creates a   balance   if there is bad there will always be good too. Just like that if there is sorrow there will be happiness. But sometimes people tend to develop a  negative way  of looking at these. Which leads us to the topic for today, Cherophobia. The word ‘Chero’ means ‘to rejoice’ coming from the greek. So now the question is what does Cherophobia really mean. In simple terms Cherophobia means aversion from  being happy . To get into more details, it creates a scenario in which the person might run away from activities or moments that make them happy. They develop a mindset which makes them believe that something bad will happe