his is nothing new for anyone. Anger always stays with us even if we don’t want it. It’s part of our human nature. There must have been incidents where you lost your temper and caused more harm than good. Well, you are not alone, there are a majority of people who face this issue. I myself have dealt with temper issues. I have done stuff that I still regret till date.

Although we are not here to talk about myself but I can be a very good example as to how anger management is actually helpful. Before that let’s talk about this anger first.

A moment of vulnerability, frustration and loss of composure leads to venting out. This venting comes in the form of anger and violence. In verbal context, you might abuse, say insulting things and even ruin their composure. In a more physical context, you might break stuff or harm the person in front and later come to realise your mistake.

In all honesty never take anger lightly, There have been many incidents where a person filled with rage has committed crimes without even realising it in the heat of the moment.

What Are The Causes For This?

It is not that complicated but it can be depending on the situation. For example there might be a kid who is always angry and frustrated. You may think that he is rude and mean but what if he is always bullied by older kids and has had enough of it. That anger may be a result of suppressing his emotions and getting consumed by his own thoughts and condition. Feeling alone and scared.

That can be terrible and sometimes we blame the kid for it when the root cause is totally different. On the other hand, daily stress and frustration to perform and earn better can lead to venting out occasionally on family and friends. This is self induced anger which the person is responsible for. Such people may blame others for their problems and go on arguing with everyone on several occasions.

In both the examples, the main effect remains the same even though the cause is totally different. That’s why there has to be a professional and ethical way to deal with anger.

Dealing With Anger

It is not easy to deal with anger but there is a way. It takes time and effort to reduce anger but trust me, once you achieve it you will feel blessed.Anger can ruin a lot of things around you and that’s why taking help is important. Acknowledging the fact that we get angry and do regretful stuff is the first step. Acceptance can lead to cure.

Once you achieve that acceptance, focus on what to do in such situations. First, keep your calm by focusing on the positive aspects.

Second, Think. Don’t go on babbling anything. Learn to think before speaking. I know it’s not that easy. When you feel your anger brewing take a step back and shut your mouth. Talk with yourself before venting out. This will help you control and express correctly.

Third, breathe. Slow and long breaths will calm your nerves and later express what you want and it will be much easier to engage the person in front.

Fourth, Exercise. Keeping yourself fit is important but it always helps you relieve stress and calm yourself. You can also try meditating. Meditation for 15 minutes a day can do wonders.

Fifth, break. Take a break once in a while. If you feel that your day is quite stressful. Close everything off and be alone for a while. Relax, have something nice. Once you feel relaxed enough, get back to your day.

Sixth, grudges. Holding on to your grudges will only cause more harm than good.

To Mental Health                                                                      ~Utkarsh


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