his is nothing new for anyone. Anger always stays with us even if we don’t want it. It’s part of our human nature. There must have been incidents where you lost your temper and caused more harm than good. Well, you are not alone, there are a majority of people who face this issue. I myself have dealt with temper issues. I have done stuff that I still regret till date.
Although we are not here to talk about myself but I can be a very good example as to how anger management is actually helpful. Before that let’s talk about this anger first.
A moment of vulnerability, frustration and loss of composure leads to venting out. This venting comes in the form of anger and violence. In verbal context, you might abuse, say insulting things and even ruin their composure. In a more physical context, you might break stuff or harm the person in front and later come to realise your mistake.
In all honesty never take anger lightly, There have been many incidents where a person filled with rage has committed crimes without even realising it in the heat of the moment.
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