China's new Technology



We might have heard about many weird inventions and some are so weird that they are just unbelievable. One of the inventions done by China is called Artificial Sun. China successfully powered their first nuclear fusion reactor according to state media. It is reportedly marking a great advance in the country’s nuclear power research capabilities.

It comes to our minds, what is exactly an artificial sun? I mean we don’t want to burn our entire planet to kingdom come, right.

Fusion Reactor 


What Is Artificial Sun?

 HL – 2M Tokamak reactor also known as China’s most advanced nuclear fusion experimental device which is also known as the artificial sun. According to scientists this device can unlock our potential to have a powerful clean energy source which will last us for a long time. This device uses a powerful magnetic field to fuse hot plasma and can reach temperature over 150 million degree Celsius. Due to this the device is given the name Artificial Sun. It is approximately 10 times hotter than the core of the Sun because of the high temperature produced by the fusion reaction.

Chinese scientists have been working on the development of small-scale nuclear fusion reactors since 2006. As we all know fusion is considered as the ultimate source of energy because it is the same energy that our Sun and every other star in the universe produces. Then the question arises, why didn’t we change our energy source to this? Why rely on sources which emit greenhouse gases instead of those which do not release greenhouse gases? Answer to this question is that nuclear fusion is an extremely expensive and difficult process. Such projects roughly cost 22.5 billion dollar or more.

Artificial Sun

How Can the Artificial Sun Help Us Achieve Clean Energy?


As we know we have many sources which produce clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases then what makes fusion special?

The raw material required to release nuclear fusion is inexhaustibly available in the ocean which makes this device a continuous source of energy. As we know that fusion process does not emit greenhouse gasses and so we can call it a clean source of energy. As we all know that the nuclear fusion process is expensive but in future, we can hope that the cost of this type of energy sources will go down.

Benefits of Nuclear Fusion: –


·        Nuclear fusion is the best way to generate energy as it does not emit greenhouse gasses.

·        The raw material required such as deuterium and tritium are easily available in oceans.

·        Nuclear Fusion doesn’t produce any harmful radioactive waste.




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