

STARLINK Starlink now covers all of UK; Plans to connect vehicles with satellite Internet service  Today internet access is provided by cell towers which require lots of land area and RF frequencies  radiation . Elon Musk and his company SPACEX took a big step to shift internet access from cell tower to  satellite  and named this project as STARLINK. This project will change the way the internet was accessed and will contribute towards a clean environment. So in this blog we will discuss What Starlink  project is, how does Starlink work , how much will the internet cost be and the recent development in the project. Starlink Project all about: - STARLINK is a satellite internet constellation constructed by SPACEX consisting of many small  satellites  in low earth orbit(LEO) which will provide satellite internet access with ground receivers. Starlink has expanded to all regions of the United Kingdom.  The  SpaceX  owned company’s satellite Internet service is still in beta and was previo

China's new Technology

  ARTIFICIAL SUN We might have heard about many weird  inventions  and some are so weird that they are just unbelievable. One of the inventions done by China is called Artificial Sun. China successfully powered their first nuclear fusion reactor according to state  media . It is reportedly marking a great advance in the country’s nuclear power research capabilities. It comes to our minds, what is exactly an artificial sun? I mean we don’t want to burn our entire  planet  to kingdom come, right. Fusion Reactor    What Is Artificial Sun?   HL – 2M Tokamak reactor  also known as China’s most advanced nuclear fusion  experimental device  which is also known as the artificial sun. According to scientists this device can unlock our potential to have a powerful clean energy source which will last us for a long time. This device uses a powerful magnetic field to fuse  hot plasma  and can reach temperature over  150 million degree Celsius . Due to this the device is given the name Artificia

Introducing the KFConsole

  KFC – GAMING CONSOLE When it comes to gaming consoles, the first thing that comes to mind is Sony’s  PlayStation   or Microsoft’s   Xbox  but now there is a new player in the market and its KFC. KFC has officially released their futuristic console which supports 4k gaming. It has a section which can keep your  chicken  hot to get an exotic experience of eating and gaming at same time. At first when I saw the trailer I thought that it’s just a spoof video or a new marketing strategy to sell their chicken but after research I came to know that it’s actually true that consoles are coming to the market. To develop the console KFC has partnered with global hardware manufacturer  Cooler Master . What Makes KFC Consoles Different from Others?   As only trailers are released and thus due to lack of  information  it’s quite hard to compare the consoles. But there are rumor's  that it includes custom built casing, creating a unique cooling system and the signature chicken chamber whi

The way of AI vs ML


Your Own Pool


Electric Cars in new Technology

TESLA When it comes to luxurious cars what comes to our mind first is Rolls Royce as we know these cars are the  premium class . But when it comes to futuristic design and future, it’s Tesla. Tesla has made cars while keeping the future in mind. Electric cars are in the trend nowadays and when it comes to electric cars Tesla is the name which has crossed every limit of comfort and features. A Tesla car has everything you can ask for like autopilot, sentry mode, auto raising suspension and many discussed below in detail.   Introduction: -   As Tesla is a world-wide famous company and is in high demand, they don’t need much introduction but we will try to make it short. Tesla is an  American electric vehicle  and clean energy company. Tesla’s current products include Electric vehicles, solar panels, solar roof tiles and many related products and services. Tesla was founded in 2003, as the name suggests the name was tribute to  Nikola Tesla  who was one of the best engineers and scientist


  ANGER MANAGEMENT his is nothing new for anyone. Anger always stays with us even if we don’t want it. It’s part of our  human nature . There must have been incidents where you lost your  temper  and caused more harm than good. Well, you are not alone, there are a majority of people who face this issue. I myself have dealt with temper issues. I have done stuff that I still regret till date. Although we are not here to talk about myself but I can be a very good example as to how anger management is actually helpful. Before that let’s talk about this anger first. A moment of vulnerability,  frustration  and loss of composure leads to venting out. This venting comes in the form of  anger and violence . In verbal context, you might abuse, say insulting things and even ruin their composure. In a more physical context, you might break stuff or harm the person in front and later come to realise your mistake. In all honesty never take anger lightly, There have been many incidents where a perso